Calculation of Plume dispersion equation

Calculation of Plume dispersion equation

1Downwind distance:x directionm-
2Downwind distance:y directionm-
3Downwind distance:z direction(Height)m-
4Volume of emit gas:QN・m^3/s-
5Wind speed to x direction:um/s-
6 Effective chimney height:Hem-
7Pasquill Stability Categories-
8Graph(y-axis Max:20,000m)Plot Input Data: , Figure:
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Plume dispersion equation,Downwind distance,Volume of emit gas,Wind speed,Effective chimney height,Stability categories




・Concentration of emissions:C(x,y,z)
・Downwind distance(m):x,y,z
・Dispersion Coefficient(m):σy,σz
・Caution:Cautioned about result when input downwind distance from a source is less than 100m or more than 100,000m.
・Pasquill Stability Categories
Surface wind speed at 10m(m/s) Insolation Night
- Strong Moderate Slight ≧ 4/8 Low Cloud ≦ 3/8 Cloud
<2 A A-B B G G
2-3 A-B B C E F
3-5 B B-C C D E
5-6 C C-D D D D
>6 C C D D D



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