Calculation of Bending Rigidity and Equivalent thickness of floor slab for impedance calculation:Homogeneous-single panel-slab

Calculation of Bending Rigidity and Equivalent thickness of floor slab for impedance calculation:Homogeneous-single panel-slab

1Density of member:ρ kg/m^3-
2Thickness of floor slab:h1 m-
3Young's modules of member:E *10^10 N/m^2-
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Homogeneous- single panel-slab,Bending Rigidity,Equivalent thickness of floor slab, impedance calculation,Density of member,Thickness of floor slab,Young's modules of member,Second moment of area




・Equivalent thickness of floor slab(m):h
・Density of member(kg/m^3):ρ
・Thickness of floor slab(h):h1
・Young's modules of member(N/m^2):E
・Second moment of area(m^4/m):I
・Bending Rigidity(Nm^2/m):B
・Equivalent thickness is calculated as Poisson's ratio is zero.
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